My Partner watches Porn
Partners of Porn addicts suffer intensly of the situation. Hurt, disappointment, shame and rage are only fractions of the emotions on the display in this context. Therefore we provide information, counseling and help to show: You are not alone. A life after porn is possible, healing and forgiveness are within reach.
Posts for Partners of Porn Consumers
Healing a broken marriage
Picture taking a 9" stiletto knife, and then plunging into your wife's back, all the way to the hilt. Then as she screams in pain and horror at the recognition that you, her best friend have stabbed her, you say "I'm sorry. Can you please get over this quickly?"
The destructive force of adultry
I had been binging on porn daily, and had lost all control to stop. Prior to getting married in 1989, I'd assumed that having marital sex would resolve my problem with lust, but a year into our marriage I succumbed to the pull again.
Help for wives
You asked me to write a letter about how your addiction affected me. At the time, things were a bit hazy and I was young and didn’t know what to think of everything. It really flared my insecurities up.