The Road to Grace



Empty. Corrupted. Tormented. Starved.

These words easily describe the man who is a Christian sex addict. No matter what he does, he will not experience true freedom from the bondage of sexual addiction until he finds the life, love, and acceptance he yearns for.

Mike Genung struggled with sexual addiction for twenty years before God set him free. He is the director of Blazing Grace, an international ministry to the sexually broken which also helps churches deal with the porn epidemic.

Lieferzeit: 2 - 14 Werktage


Artikelnummer: BUROAD Kategorie:


Empty. Corrupted. Tormented. Starved.

These words easily describe the man who is a Christian sex addict. No matter what he does, he will not experience true freedom from the bondage of sexual addiction until he finds the life, love, and acceptance he yearns for. The inner pull to feed at the garbage can of lust must be replaced with something real, alive, and lasting… something so wonderful that the short-lived pleasure of sex is nothing in comparison … love so powerful, it overflows even the hardest heart with joy.

Mike Genung struggled with sexual addiction for twenty years before God set him free. He is the director of Blazing Grace, an international ministry to the sexually broken which also helps churches deal with the porn epidemic.

Author: Mike Genung

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